female health matters

Personal stories about female health matters.

April 30, 2007

legal v illegal drugs

Noni wants to know what is so special about alcohol that makes it a more socially acceptable drug than tobacco products when it causes far more harm.

"Why do people go out of their way to lecture us when we light up in an outdoor area designated for smoking?" asks Noni. “The same people wouldn't bat an eyelid if they saw us drinking alcohol in the most inappropriate places, such as a children’s play area – which is something I’ve seen plenty of young women do – so why?"

"I like alcohol as much as most people do – it's a convivial drug, loosening tongues and everything else!" laughs Noni. "But I'd never make it my drug of choice to take on a daily basis because I need my wits about me when driving, going up and down steps and dealing with people who might take advantage of me."

"Smoking focuses my wits – and so do certain other drugs," explains Noni, "and that's why I'm very concerned about the current anti-smoking climate because if the government banned tobacco products people like me would need to become criminals in order to enjoy our drug of choice."

"I know enough about drug behavior to be able to spot someone who's not exactly as high on life as they make themselves out to be," confides Noni. "I'm not fooled by the exceptional energy and passion of some people in high positions, and I wish I could be on what they're on but I lack the money and influence that allows their duplicity to be maintained with impunity."

"It makes you wonder whether some drugs are illegal and hard to get because the big boys running the world don't want us to know the secrets of their success."

"I know that the more zealous of the anti-smoking crusaders want to add tobacco products to the list of illegal drugs," sighs Noni, "but that's only going to make tobacco attractive to people who may never have been attracted to it in the first place. A choice between two drugs – alcohol and tobacco – is bad enough; a choice of just one – alcohol – would be ridiculous."

"I'd give up smoking cigarettes immediately if cannabis were decriminalized," says Noni. "Cigarette smoke stinks and I can understand why the anti-smokers hate it, but what else can I take that's legal and smells good and doesn't make me witless like alcohol does?"

"At my age I need a drug that's mellow," explains Noni. "I don't want something to heighten my sexual experience, take me on psychedelic trips or keep me jumping all night. Ecstasy, LSD, GHB, ice, heroin and cocaine are totally unattractive to me."

Read more by Noni on this subject:

  • classifying drugs and criminalizing users
  • stop crime, decriminalize drugs

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